Debris Drifter v 1.1.07

Patch Notes!

 v 1.1.07:

A few small updates, mainly focused on making the early game easier for new players:

- Getting the first shield happens sooner. (Player starts at level 0; level 1 takes 20 'bits' and gives you a shield but nothing else. Previously the player started at level 1 and took 150 bits to get to level 2.)
- Game always starts with 1 enemy onscreen, even after hitting restart. (Previously the game would start you with 2 enemies if you'd got to that point in your previous run.)
- The big yellow blobby things that give you lots of bits now only appear once you're at level 2. (This hopefully makes it less easy to blow through two levels at once (and thereby get harder enemies) when you're still getting used to the basics of the game.)
- Added a small amount of 'drift' to the player at the start of a run.
- Player death explosion is now affected by the player's momentum.

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82 days ago

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